It’s 12th month of the year,
the last month in 12 months
the last month in 365 days
It’s winter
It’s snowflakes
It’s weather
It’s Jesus
It’s snow
It’s hot chocolate
It’s Gifts
It’s Decoration
It’s Reindeer
But 2020 December feels is dark and dismal,
Everything is not feeling right this December,
No Christmas bells ringing, the sweet melodies,
Peoples’ faces, as long as a fiddle,
So many people dying, so many family disingreted
The world so torn apart, with sounds of bullets and innocent bloods shed…..
We made plans, so sketchy at first but we hope to accomplish in December..
Maybe we just nervous as we making our plans
Never knowing ,what could unfold in the paths of 2020
We wished to have changed our plans in March, It was barely eight sold months to December,
We rambled on,
For weeks, it seemed
Until we arrived in December
How we hate you now
Drown our minds
In your white lies.
What happen?
What Went Wrong..
How do we reverse…
December feels is very unbelievable, and it can make amazing fairies from our vanished tales.
Happy New Month………