How Sharing My Thoughts made Me Never Give Up
It is a good habit to share your thoughts with people around you, they change what you see as impossible into possibility.
By Maggie Olore.
“Never give up.” It’s a phrase we’ve all heard, and it’s a phrase that is easier said than done. But life has taught us that having a “no give up” attitude can make one accomplish great things.
I am writing this because, at some point in my life, I wanted to give up, I had nothing that motivated me or pushed me to give it a try. I was sad, broken, used, exploited, and tortured. I saw my whole life crumple in a blink of an eye.
My self-esteem became low, feared being around friends and families, and there was nothing for me to hold on to, no reason to live. I knew God had forsaken me... This is not what I deserve Lord, I deserve better, you know that Lord! It is all I would lament and blame God for the situation with teary eyes.
Was I the only one going through the hard times? Am I the only one less motivated in life? How are people dealing with depression and stress? All these questions crippled my little brain and out of curiosity, One Saturday evening, I put up a small write-up on my WhatsApp status about people who don’t give up every day, and this is how it read.
“People who don’t give up every day, What motivates you? Let’s start from there. You might speak to a soul.”
I am happy to share with you the reactions and feedback I received from my friends which I believe will inspire you not to give up in whatever situation you are in.
Gloria says that the desire to correct her mistakes motivates her every day not to give up.
If you ever made mistakes that hurt people around you or yourself, desiring to correct them will be your everyday goal never give up.
In addition to that, Gilbert points out that the vibe of never giving up is because everything is a struggle in the long run, and this comes with consistency, persistence, and discipline.
Isabella pointed out that knowing where you come from and making a difference is what she is pushing for, she is not giving up until she changes her home.
Nobert says the pain he has experienced before and the commitment not to return there again. He further said that where he has come from, there is too much to change for the better thus he doesn't need the motivation to chase his dreams, rather he needs self-discipline because the future must be better than yesterday and today.
Hearing from these people gave me a feeling of relief and motivated me to keep trying than quitting in life.
In life, we may not get what we want very freely. But we should never give up. Continue working towards it, and one day, you will reach it.
There will be many roadblocks in your life that try to pull you down. But you have to face those hurdles and wait for the night opportunities.
When the moment comes, grab it with both hands and fly towards your dream.
“Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage or exhaust you, let them inspire you.”
Michelle Obama