I am the woman….
Everyone will say they know her,
Everyone will say , she comes from some village in the parts of the World
Everyone will say, I know her family, the father does this, the mother does that, her siblings are this-that,
Everyone will say, I don’t like her
For no reasons of cause!
I am the Woman….
you don’t know about
you have not heard about
you have not met
you only imagine to know her
You only know her shadows
I am the Woman….
I am not another accident
Another woman born to rise
I see the light
I just need to go a little further
I am the Woman….
Who is limitless, a self-starter…
Who grabs the opportunities in her path
Who sleeps knowing there is tomorrow to path again
who never gives up even if it is the last option
I am the Woman….
Worthy of love, loyalty, respect and consideration
Has a heart of gold
So pure and tender
To make a World a better place for every child to live in
I am the Woman….
Who acts different around certain people, not because she is fake ,but because she has different comfort zone around some people. She is not open with some people as with others.
I am the Woman….
On her way
To hustle her as’ out
To work,
To earn money
When you are changing lives of people in society,
you are questioned by the same society!
You are the woman whose determination to rise can’t be stopped by the forces of society
I am the Woman….
I wanted to be the Woman.
I will be the Woman.