Yeah………we all have the inner thoughts in us of commitment or dismay. It exists only the inner thoughts that are occasionally heard loud.
My, I and my girl had a little chat about her boyfriend and we realized that we had the same thoughts. We both have been in two serious relationships, which we all fell in love, bestowed in solely because the feeling prevailed beautifully, the inner impressions were of commitment that our relationships are tremendous, then we again thrived and walked into the next relationship, we had so much in common, we both realized that we disseminated bills without grievances with our boyfriends.
All we knew was for a prosperous relationship, couples ought to be there for each other.
My friend’s name is Barbra Nakiwala, we share a lot in common, we both write and discuss related issues concerning our day to day lives.
Here we are, discussing and our inner thoughts are heard out loud….
We plunge in love, with no issues of suspicion, there were several connections we shared, communication was at its pinnacle, we shared a lot in common. In the times of our meetings, we met in a hotel which was okay at first, but this kept on happening every time we met.
Then, We were like hey;
Why are you not taking me to your place of residence?
We both didn't know where our fiancée lives or stays, but we knew their construction site where they are putting up a house that was so exciting to watch.
As an outcome of this, we have to finish the house, Barbra, and I have to participate in our boyfriend's work which is okay, the problem is, shall we ever enter the house as a wife if even where they rent, We don’t know and have never been there yet it is next to the construction site?
What is he hiding??
How sure are we that we are not being lied to?
Supposing he is married?
What are they hiding??
First, wait a bit…
Were the question we heard our minds asking out loud.
The inner thought heard Loud!!