An Outstanding is not what a person has,its what a person does
Outstanding is when someone is distinguished from others in excellence.
Are You One?
We believe that Outstanding stands among us in our every day lives because we can feel it among ourselves. The feeling of being picked in a crowd as the best gives us goosebumps,our blood runs warm in the veins imagining “what would have done if it was me who won the 1000USD".They have something special inside them that we wish to possess inside ourselves.
The good news is that we all can be excellent in life.Its very helpful to associate with Outstanding people and Learn how these people do their things;conduct themselves and this will help you emulate their one or two Traits that will help inspire you to excellence.
Outstanding isnt something a person has;its something a person does.
What does it take to be Outstanding?
- Purpose. Outstanding people are driven by a powerful sense of purpose both in their individual lives and in relation to the World at large.They have defined the Impact they desire to have and have held tight to their vision with every ounce of their focus.The purpose of life,for outstanding people is always about service;they feel they need to give back to the people around them to the point of getting involved in places they have opportunity to show and use their compassion to help elevate others.To be Outstanding,we must find out something so dear to our hearts and hold on to it;something that gives you a reason to dream big and work hard to it to be inspiration and motivation to others in the society.We must know who we are and how we want to be of service to the World.Find Your Purpose In 10 Minutes or Less
- Passion. Outstanding people back their purpose with an unrelenting energy of passion.They follow their dreams;they work hard;are willing sacrifice whatever they need to, and refuse to let naysayers get in the way of their dreams. Their mission in life has nothing to do with surviving. Outstanding people don’t survive life, they live their lives to the absolute fullest. They make sure to possess a humble and great sense of humor, they make time for their personal growth and development, are dedicated to self-compassion and to living their lives with an energy of class. Their sense of passion for what they do is intoxicating. To be outstanding, we must follow our passions. We must be prepared to work hard and to sacrifice. They love what they do.
3. Perseverance. Nothing in life comes easy.Outstanding people don’t lament about this fact,they respect it.What they want out of life is perceived as worth the hard work .It takes for them to get it,they are prepared for setbacks and accept that these are the times when they will need to gather
4. Courage and fortitude .They know that at the end game;there is something to gain.
“Nothing comes on a silver Plate"This means that for one to have the soft and green life;you have to preserver and work extremely hard to achieve.
There is always life at the end of the tunnel.
5. Choice. Outstanding people wake up each day and choose life.They choose joy,they choose grace and they choose to see their blessings.
Outstanding people thrive on the freedom they gain from being able to continue to make their mistakes and the choices necessary to learn and to grow from them. They know that it is one thing to be in the climb to the top, and a whole other thing to be at the top. Outstanding people make the choice to look their fears in the face. Through this process, they gain the strength, knowledge and experience to be exactly who they are. If we want to be outstanding, we need to look back at the horrors and hardships we’ve experienced and know that we stood steadfast.
Success Is Never an Accident. It's a Choice.
6. Commitment. Commitment is the cornerstone of success .
Outstanding people understand that commitment isnt something they come by naturally;so they back all their desires with discipline to achieve them.They commit to their own excellence by actively being a person they can love and respect.
7. Failure. Outstanding people welcome and respect the concept and experience of failure .. Nothing takes them further in their own learning, and nor does anything teach them or redirect their efforts more fully or quickly than failure. Genius will not; talent will not; but hard work and a willingness to learn are the qualities that take outstanding people wherever they want to go. If we want to be outstanding, we must learn not to stand in fear of our failures; rather, we must learn to build upon them. We must view our failures as stepping stones to our own success and greatness. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. We must never give up. We must learn to start from where we are, with the resources we have, and to do what we can from this place.
10 Blessings That Come Hidden in Rejection, Losing and Failure
We were born to win, but to be a winner, we must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win