He clings to the idea that she might still love him
He clung on!He clung on!
..Mammering to himself ..i know she still loves me.
Years and months passed by when Anderson still hope for the love of his life to look back like Lot’s wife who became a pillar of Salt after she looked back at Sodom.
Anderson clinged knowing someday or the other,he would have her back but that’s was wrong.
Let her go and stop clinging.
We are tired in a chain where you have the power to break it but fear shutters you .
Stop clinging on to what doesn’t belong to you;let free and she will fly far away like an eagle.
Stop clinging on people who don’t add value to your life;people who don’t encourage or support you;don’t cling.
Stop clinging on to relationships where its only you who invests and the other partner does nothing but criticize your efforts.
Stop clinging like Lot’s wife;for you will be destroyed.