Is it not crystal clear that only Medical students were considered?”
It’s not that I am studying for free.
I do pay tuition just like the “so-called Medical students" do to study in the Mighty Makerere university.
It’s not that my Course is one month or two months, no! It’s for four years.
Crying Out Loud.
It’s not that only Medical students were affected by the Novel CoronVirus Pandemic!
Even I ,I am affected by Corona Virus (Covid-19),yes, I am a student of Humanities and I study for the period of three to four years while the medicine students study for the same period.
What’s the need for this Education injustice for crying out loud??
Doctors,you can’t do without media,you need students of Humanities and other related fields of study to give you a hand in your study.
You will need the media to inform the less educated about your findings in the science World,people who are barbaric,illiterate,ignorant will need this Information and it is the duty of the media diversity to inform the public about science.
It was a chilly Tuesday ,the first of September 2020,when our lovely President of Uganda,decided to meet with National Taskforce handling Covid 19 to discuss the idea of lifting the lockdown from the remaining sectors of Education,religions institutions and the International airport.
Hearing this good news, I was extremely happy knowing that my Course which is a four year period will not go upto five years as it has been ringing in my head.
Unfortunately,It is quite hard for me to face my fear,It spat me in the face.
What of me?
The injustice in the Education system makes my blood boil with deceitful heart for the ruling government.
The education Covid-19 taskforce headed by Mr Ismail Mulindwa, recommended that government should first reopen candidates’ classes since it is less costly.
In a nut shell,
Is it not crystal clear that only Medical students were considered?”