It was a chilly Monday morning the 03th of August 2020 when Nicole received a phone call from a strange number.
Nicole is a resident of Kasubi,a small town inside Kampala City ;she lives with her friends and unemployed youth who hustles day and night to fend for what to survive on…”life has hit her hard ;she knows that one has to work hard to earn money or get food…”Nature;Why did these fraudsters have to exist?
It was around 12 O’clock that is Midday when the strange number called on her number claiming that he is from Airtel Telecommunication Company
Phone call between Nicole and the strange number
Stranger…..Goodafternoon Nyabo(its a luganda word meaning Madam)
Nicole…..Goodafternoon ssebo(meaning sir..)
Stranger….I am calling you from Airtel Company,to inform you that your number registered by names of Namusoke Nicole is going to be blocked if you don’t register for the second time.
Nicole….Glimmering (i just registered my line in March this year;how can my line be blocked?..She continues mammering…)
Stranger…..Madam Nicole?
Stranger…..Why are you quiet madam
Nicole….Ends the phone call because the friends around her sensed that the call is unusual to the ones of Telecommunication Company
Hey;hold on;that’s a conman;Why is he over demanding on the phone call;Nicole’s friend signalled to her while she was still on phone.
The fraudster is too intelligent that he knows how to mastermind his victims giving them no room to think or question their motive of calling and over pestering.
This stranger has known the tactics of luring people into this fraudulent acts.
Phone Rings
Its the same number,she said.
Stranger…..Why did you hang up on me madam?(shouting at Nicole)
Nicole…..Sorry,forgive me .She said with a polite voice.
Stranger…..I can help you to unblock your phone
Stranger…..where do you stay?
Kasubi;she replied
Stranger…..What time of phone do you use?
Nicole…..I use iPhone 11(this is the latest iPhone in market.
Stranger…..How much money do you have in your line Nicole?Is it registered in the name of Namusoke Nicole?
Nicole…..Yes;i have 40;000shillings
Stranger……okay;dail this number,he said
Nicole was starting to dail the number when Liz who is her friend stopped her and requested her to first call Airtel Telecommunication Company.
In that process;she called the customer help line and she was assisted and was told that that is a fraudster who trying to deceive her.
Fraud practices have been so common in Uganda and globally;most youths who are students fall victims of fraudsters;these people come in different ways for example
- I am lost;please help me find a way
- Help me with your phone,i want to call my sister,i am so stranded and they disappear with your phone
- Others use force to take your properties by killing someone
- Some make phone calls like the one of Nicole to claim they sent you money and its a wrong number
- Other fraudsters use perfumes to drive you insane and follow them
- The use of chlorine to make you unconscious and rob you.
Nicole and many out there have been victims of Fraud practices,and its very important for one to be very conscious with people they meet in their every day lives.